Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life in the small things..

Take time in the small things today, that doesn't mean that you aren't accomplishing your life goals, it just means that you are stopping to notice the gifts of life. Life comes and goes so fast! Have you paused to notice the beauty of this day, the smile on someones face, god's grace as you feel the wind? While I was driving home this morning I started to think of the secrets of life and learning to appreciate them.

When I was younger, I had lots of ambitions — I wanted to do great things in life. And while I think that striving to do great things is an admirable thing, as I’ve gotten older I’ve found that there’s much more power in going inward rather than outward — there’s much more greatness if you pay attention to small details than in looking at huge vistas...

So today as you are going about your "normalness" .. stop to notice how wonderful that is and all the little things that are a part of the bigger picture in life.. with out the little moments great moments can not be achieved.. and with out stopping to notice god's winks in life.. your imagination can't run wild!

1 comment:

  1. It's very rare in life to find people who have figured it out. I respect you greatly for realizing what is important and making the decision to live life on your terms. I look forward to hearing more.
